Our Haigh & Gurden Family


Matches 1 to 50 of 846

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 #  Source ID   Title, Author 
1 S675  British Royal Navy & Royal Marines Service And Pension Records, 1704-1939
2 S37 Early Haighs (New1.dbf)
C M Sterry 
3 S438 
4 S464 
5 S485 
6 S848 
7 S73 #34
8 S74 #4
9 S76 #9
10 S297 1841 Census
11 S151 1841 Census of Scotland, Online
12 S182 1841 Census, Bathgate
13 S289 1841 UK Census
14 S185 1851 Census Somerset, England
15 S287 1851 UK Census
16 S200 1861 Census Cochran Street Bathgate
17 S241 1861 Census Cumberland, England
18 S205 1861 Census Hamlet of Crossroads, Slamannan Co. Stirling
19 S196 1861 Census Livery Street Bathgate
20 S194 1861 Census of Bathgate, film no. 0103919
21 S229 1861 Census Somerset, England
22 S288 1861 UK CEnsus
23 S208 1871 Census of Scotland
24 S170 1871 UK Census
25 S9 1881 British Census
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 
26 S199 1881 Census of Edinburgh
27 S207 1881 Census of Kirkliston, Scotland
28 S217 1881 Census of Midlothian
29 S206 1881 Census Winchburgh Kirkliston
30 S219 1881 Census, Cadder, Lanark, Scotland
31 S212 1881 Census, South Leith, Edinburgh
32 S265 1881 UK Census
33 S215 1891 Census Colinton
34 S163 1891 Census of London
35 S218 1891 Census, Liberton
36 S220 1891 Census, Uphall, West Lothian
37 S293 1891 UK Census
38 S179 1901 Census of London
39 S223 1901 Census, Broxburn, Uphall
40 S226 1901 Census, Canongate, Edinburgh
41 S228 1901 Census, Saline Fife
42 S230 1901 Census, Uphall
43 S162 1901 UK Census
44 S38 a10107 James Haigh.ged
45 S311 Alfred Dunmore Birth Certificate
46 S388 Alfred Dunmore Birth Certificate
47 S317 Alfred Dunmore Death Certificate
48 S99 Alfred Dunmore Marriage Certificate
49 S441 Annie Marsden
Gill Clough & Steve Marsden 
50 S78 Annie Marsden Birth Certificate

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