Our Haigh & Gurden Family


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 #   Notes   Linked to 

Hannah Wife Age 27 Born Kirkburton
James Son Age 4 Born Austonley
Mary Dau Age 3 Born Austonley 
CROSLAND, John (I873)

No luck in S & N 29/05/06

No marriage 1856-59 
GURDEN, Henry (I432)
3 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I6144)
4 !861 Census show 2 servants
Bridget Hickey, 30 born Ireland
Anne Oldham 32 born Manchester 
Family: William Issac RUTTER / Elizabeth ISAACS (F1022)
5 "About this period (1845) two incidents took place which made a deep impression on my mind. One was a little boy about my own age and that I knew. I saw him killed at
what is now at the top of Victoria Street by an iron road-roller. I saw the boy picked up and bleeding taking home to Underhill where he belonged. The boy’s name was
Daniel Cartwright, youngest son of James Cartwright of that place. In after years and for many years afterwards whenever I saw that roller I thought of the boy that
was so mutilated and crushed underneath its enormous weight.!" 
CARTWRIGHT, Daniel (I3618)
6 "but the advowson of the vicarage, with the rectory of Aldington annexed, was sold by him in 1740 to Mr. Joseph Smallwell, of Maidstone, who in 1753 conveyed it to Mr. Henry Hodson, whose son the Rev. Henry Hodson, vicar of this parish, is now entitled to it." HODSON, Rev John (I7325)
7 "Early HAIGHs of Kirkburton says Grace was Phoebe's half-sister
and was married to Joseph WOODS. "Plain country Friends" says
Joseph never married. !! 
WOODS, Joseph (I870)
8 "Henry Hodson , A. M. presented Feb. 10, 1768, the present vicar." HODSON, Rev Henry (I7352)
9 "Oct. 19. - Presentation to Mr. James Marsden, J.P., Wigan, on completing fifty years' connection with Messrs. Coop and Co., Limited, clothing manufacturers, Wigan." MARSDEN, James (I957)
10 "Oct. 29. - Wigan and District Teachers' Association "At Home." - Presentation to Mr. James Marsden, J.P., by the Churches of Christ in the Wigan District." MARSDEN, James (I957)
11 "Son of Rev. Hodson" HODSON, Henry (I7354)
12 "The BATES family had come from Norlands, Sowerby in Halifax
soon after 1600 & settled in the Kirkburton area. The family
were farmers & cornmillers. Thus Phebe & James grew up living
within a mile of each other." 
BATES, Matthew (I118)
13 "Wife of Rev. John Hodson, Vicar of This Parish" who led the service CRUNDEN, Henrietta (I7326)
14 '...stopped about half an hour at Peobe Haighs who once told me,
that before her convincement, she had been for
many years so infirm that it was with difficulty she could get
to & from bed or even walk up & down the house,
in which state a desire was raised in her mind to get to a
meeting of Friends, & being obedient there unto she
set forward & was enabled to get to Highflatts on a Week?day,
from that time forward she mended apace &
not only became a diligent attender of our own meetings, but
walked on foot to many others at a considerable
distance, I thought this was worthy to be recorded amongst the
many miracles the Almighty is working for his
People inwardly & outwardly.'

Pheobe Haigh (1731-1785) resided at Heighmoor House (between
Shepley and Shelley). She was the widow of James Haigh.

(1) Joseph Woods Small Notebook No. 14. (12th Month 1782) 
BATES, Phebe (I112)
15 (information on IGI) NICOL, Andrew (I1714)
16 *hf -(Holmfirth) Cliff in Holme
One Transaction gives date of Baptism as th 6th 
BROADBENT, Silvanus (I3586)
17 15 July 1713, Anne daughter of Benjamin Haigh of Shelley
baptized [IGI records parents as Benjamin & Mary Haigh] 
HAIGH, Ann (I121)
18 1774 is given in some records LEE, William (I8130)
19 1837.com found 2 Berta Birth in Q1 1892 - Leigh and Bury ENTWISTLE, Elizabeth (I58)
20 1841
Grove Street
COTTLE Moses 60 Ind
COTTLE Elizabeth 60
COTTLE John 20 Labourer
COTTLE Eliza 25 Eliza (NOT born in Somerset)
COTTLE Sarah 1

Research Notes: Moses (possible birth 06 JUN 1779 Wellow, Somerset,England)
Elizabeth (possibly Elizabeth Weaver, record found on IGI with marriageas 10 APR 1815 Walcot, Bath, Somerset, England)
found record on IGI for a daughter of Moses and Elizabeth, Sarah AnneCottell born 10 OCT 1821 Walcot, Bath, Somerset, England 
COTTLE, Moses (I1262)
21 1841 Census - 8 months BATTYE, Albert (I845)
22 1861 Census her birth year is listed as 1849

Certificate of Birth lists place of birth as 3 Cheapscoll Court,Bathwick, Somerset. Birth registered May 24, 1852 by mother Eliza, withher mark as signature.

Living at 1 Finsbury Street at the time of her marriage.

Located in the 1881 Census living on High Holborn Street, London. Listedas age 29, place of birth Bath.

possible death
dec 1893
Cottle, Mary Ann, 44, Mile End, 1c, 398 
COTTLE, Mary (I1275)
23 1881 Census - Widower Family: / Sarah Ellen MELLOR (F255)
24 1881 census [4370/92]: a carpenter and joiner aged 20, unmarried,living with
his parents at Hinchliff Mill. 
HIRST, Martin H. (I1023)
25 1881 census [4370/92]: aged 15, living with her parents at HinchliffMill. HIRST, Mary Hannah (I1024)
26 1881 census [4370/92]: aged 29, unmarried, living with her parents at
Hinchliff Mill. 
HIRST, Sarah Elizabeth (I1025)
27 1881 census [4370/92]: aged 55, living at Hinchliff Mill. Austonley,with her
husband, Henry. 
HOYLE, Ann (I967)
28 1891 Census MARSDEN, John Seaton (I7237)
29 1891 Census gives Fanny Voysey's husband as John Voysey? No marriage found. Is this the same person as Edwin i.e. John Edwin???? If so which children belong to him. The death record for John Edwin (b 1881) as Edwin VOYSEY, John (I7584)
30 1891 Census he and his father, Henry, are visitors at the home of of EdJoyce, 39, Cabman, groom, born Bath, Wife possible Edith, 42, laundress,wash, born Bath, children Emily 13, William 7 both born Bath

In his early teens he worked at the Palace, and helped repair and keep inorder, the Queen's carriage.
Always thought his middle name was James until he applied for his pensionand had to order a copy of his birth certificate.

Emigrated to Montreal, Quebec, Canada at age 18. Got a job working at theFry's Chocolate company.

Enlisted in the Montreal Black Watch as an NCO during WWI, went to Francein 1914, returned 1918, fought at Vimy Ridge. A commanding officer was aMolson of the brewing family. Daughter Evelyn recalls he had lost some ofhis hearing as a result of the war.

Attestation papers for WWI service signed Feb. 9, 1915. He lists himselfas William James, born St. Pancras, London, living at 10 Lapierre Ave.,Montreal, date of birth 1 Sept. 1880, occupation looks like cementworker, indicates he served 7 years in the 5th R Hlo?, has an old injuryof his thumb on his right hand. 5 ft 10 1/4 inches tall, fair complexion,blue eyes, brown hair, CofE.

Moved his family to Hamilton from Montreal in 1920, lived at 177 Hess St.N., and later 26 and 30 Shaw Street. Worked at Duff's Meat Packing Plantduring the Depression, later at Hamilton General Hospital, from where heretired in 1955.

Evelyn remembers he had a second cousin by the name of Henry Brown whowas married to Gertrude. They had 4 children, one who was very ill,possibly with cerebral palsy. She died.
There was a daughter named Isabel, who may married a Saunders - possiblythe son of the past mayor of Toronto - in about 1928 or 1929. They alsohad two sons, Harry and Ernest.

William died of cancer (malignant tumour on ear). Buried in the MasonicTemple area of White Chapel Memorial Gardens in Hamilton, Ontario. 
BLACKMORE, William John (I1269)
31 1901 Census - Granddaughter of Thomas Battye BATTYE, Edith (I297)
32 1901 Census he is living at home with parents at age 16, place of birthis listed as Drury Lane, London.

possible birth registration
Dec 1895
Walter Ernest William Kensington 1a 98 
WALTER, Ernest William (I1282)
33 1911 census gives a Blanche Battye as wife age 49 Born Binns Holmfirth Family: Joseph BATTYE / Charlotte CHAMBERS (F361)
34 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Family: Richard David Lodge MORTIMER / Living (F155)
35 1st Cousin Family: Joseph HAIGH / Susannah HAIGH (F233)
36 2 possible William Cartwrights in 1881 and not sure which CARTWRIGHT, William H (I3656)
37 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Private (I26)
38 27th September 1895
One of the Original trustees of the Holmfirth District Technical Institute
see www.genuki.org.uk/big/eng/YKS/Misc/Transcriptions/WRY/HolmfirthCharities.html 
MARSDEN, James (I957)
39 2nd quarter 1844 Huddersfield vol 22 page 221 Family: / (F314)
40 2nd quarter 1869 Bolton vol 8c page 255 Family: David HIRST / Eleanor Cowburn HART (F257)
41 2nd quarter 1875 Huddersfield vol 9a page 397 Family: Lot NAYLOR / Martha Ann HIRST (F302)
42 3 Nov 1781 - Father Richard Crosland Source (S484)
43 3 William Hanson all born to Jacob in 1669,1671 & 1672. I assume same family but the first 2 died in infancy. DH HANSON, William (I8231)
44 31 Aug 1900 ? HAIGH, Sarah Hannah (I49)
45 375 24 Mary Stubbs of Abbey, 6 STUBBS, Mary (I1415)
46 3rd quarter 1849 Huddersfield vol 22 page 271 Family: Thomas HOYLE / Harriet BROADBENT (F289)
47 4th quarter 1876 Huddersfield vol 9a page 460 Family: Samuel BAILEY / Susannah HOYLE (F277)
48 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I4317)
49 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I4316)

DEATH OF AN OLD CAMPANOLOGIST Mr Joseph Marsden, a native of Holmfirth, and the oldest campanologist in the country, died at Hey Gap, on Wednesday morning, in his 92nd year. 'Old Joe' Marsden as he was familiarly known, was very much respected. He has enjoyed good health up to a recent period, when being seized with dizziness, he dislocated his hip in a fall. The accident confined him to his bed, an so severe was the shock to his system that he never recovered. Marsden, at the age of 20, commenced his ringing career, and was one who took up the art in earnest, and soon began to contend in prize ringing. He was one of a set who, in 1845, rung the old year out and the new year in, to a peal of 6,000 changes, including ten different peals. He has helped to win 50, and upwards, prizes from various counties, including Yorkshire, Lancashire, Derbyshire, and Cheshire: and in 1847-8 he was one of a set who helped to bring eight prizes in 18 months, a rare feat at the present day. His last act in ringing was on the occasion of celebrating his 91st birthday, on May 1st, when he rang in a six score peal, without, we believe ever quitting the rope. Out of respect to his memory a dumb peal was rung on the Parish Church bells on Wednesday evening.
MARSDEN, Joseph (I1107)

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